Nishimura Gallery 40th Anniversary
Chieko OSHIE, Takanobu KOBAYASHI, Kahoko SASHIDA, Asae SOYA, Katsura FUNAKOSHI, Kumi MACHIDA and Atsuhiko MISAWA
25 June – 2 August 2014
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

Work in progress
2014 painted camphor wood and marble 203 x 59 x 90 cm
Photo: 渡邉郁弘 Ikuhiro WATANABE
1974年銀座2丁目に開廊して以来、銀座4丁目、現在の日本橋への移転を経て、今年6月で40周年を迎える当画廊は、第1 回目の展覧会「リチャード・リンドナー 版画展」から2014年3月に終了した「New Year New Works 2014」まで、278 回の展覧会を開催してきました。
他方、新たな日本人作家を見い出し、彼らの発表の場も提供してきました。開廊翌年の1975年に開催した草間弥生の帰国第1 回個展、篠原有司男の渡米後の初個展、実験的なテーマ展として注目を集めた「本・オブジェ展」、榎倉康二、鴫剛、久里洋二、若林奮、中西夏之、横尾忠則らの新作展、さらに現在では日本の彫刻表現を牽引し国際的な活躍を続ける舟越桂をはじめ、深井隆、神山明、下川昭宣ら先進的な立体作家の展覧会も積極的に開催してきました。そして、1990 年代後半から現在までは、小林孝亘、押江千衣子、三沢厚彦、町田久美、曽谷朝絵、指田菜穂子といった、独創的で既視感のない才能を持つ作家たちの展覧会を継続的に行っています。
画廊の企画部門であるAPS(アート・プライム・ストリート)では、「ポール・デイビスの世界展」(1987年、新宿・小田急グランドギャラリー他)や「ホックニーのオペラ展」(1992 年、Bunkamura 他)、「デイヴィッド・ナッシュ音威子府の森」(1994 年、神奈川県立近代美術館他)、「桑原甲子雄写真展東京・昭和モダン」(1995年、東京ステーションギャラリー)」、「アンテスとカチーナ人形」(2004 年、高松市美術館他)など、多くの巡回展をプロデュースしてきました。
Nishimura Gallery pleased to present “Nishimura Gallery 40th Anniversary” from 25 June, wed to 2 August, sat 2014.
In this June, Nishimura Gallery celebrates 40th anniversary in Nihonbashi through several relocations, since we opened at Ginza 2 cho-me in 1974. The gallery has held 278 exhibitions―the very first “Richard Lindner Lithographs”, to the latest “New Year New Works 2014”.
At the beginning, we have worked especially hard to introduce British artists who were not very familiar among Japanese people at that time. As we had 25 exhibitions of David Hockney, we exhibited the works by British top artists who leave their names in art historyー such as Richard Hamilton, Peter Blake, Anthony Green, Lucian Freud, Bridget Riley, David Nash and so on. Besides, we had a lot of exhibitions of various foreign artists― like Otto Dix, Paul Davis, Horst Antes, Antonio Segui, Walker Evans, Tony Cragg, and Kienholz etc.
At the same time, Nishimura gallery has discovered Japanese new artists and contributed to exhibit their works. In 1975, we had the first exhibition of Kusama Yayoi since she came back from New York, the first solo exhibition of Ushio Shinohara, and the experimental group exhibition “Book as Object”.Following those exhibitions, we had the solo exhibitions of several artists―such as Koji Enokura, Goh Shigi, Yoji Kuri, Isamu Wakabayashi, Natsuyuki Nakanishi, and Tadanori Yokoo― and exhibited many works by advanced sculptors―Katsura Funakoshi, Takashi Fukai, Akira Kamiyama, Akinobu Shimokawa and so on.From the 1990’s to present, we have produced artists filled with originality and variety― such as Takanobu Kobayashi, Chieko Oshie, Atsuhiko Misawa, Kumi Machida, Asae Soya, and Nahoko Sashida.
On the other hand, APS (Art Prime Street) which was our planning devision produced various tour exhibitions―“The World of Paul Davis”(Odakyu Grand Gallery Shinjuku and toured in 1987), “Hockney’s Opera”(Bunkamura The Museum and toured in 1992), “David Nash Spirit of Three Seasons”(The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura and toured in 1995), “Kineo Kuwabara Tokyo Showa Modern” (Tokyo Station Gallery in 1995), “Horst Antes and Kachinas”(Takamatsu City Museum of Art and toured in 2004) and more.
In this exhibition “Nishimura Gallery 40th Anniversary”, we will show the most recent works by seven artists― Chieko Oshie, Takanobu Kobayashi, Nahoko Sashida, Asae Soya, Katsura Funakosi, Kumi Machida, and Atsuhiko Misawa.

Red dress
2014 oil on canvas 130.3 x 130.3 cm

2014 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.3 x 65.2 cm

2014 oil on cotton on panel 60.7 x 60.7 cm

Bird 2014-02
2014 camphor wood and oil 39.8 x 14.8 x 20.5 cm

ひげね Higene 2014-02
2014 oil pastel and oil on canvas 100 x 100 cm