-Painting, Drawing, Print-
15 October – 15 November 2014
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

2014 sumi (blue), sumi (brown), pigments, mineral pigments, gold paint, gold leaf,
silver leaf, metal leaf, color pencil and pencil 72.3 x 100 cm
町田久美は、1970年群馬県高崎市に生まれ、1994年に多摩美術大学絵画科日本画専攻を卒業しました。当画廊では2005年に初個展を開催し、日本画の伝統的な画材を用いながらも既成の枠にとらわれない表現が大きな注目を集めました。翌年、東京都現代美術館の展覧会『No Boder 「日本画」から / 「日本画」へ』に出品し、その後も、“The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2007”(香港)受賞、ケストナーゲゼルシャフト(ドイツ、ハノーバー)や高崎市タワー美術館での個展開催(共に2008年)、作品集「町田久美 画集」刊行(2012年、青幻舎)など、国内外で高い評価を着実に得てきました。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to announce the sixth solo exhibition of Kumi Machida from 15 October to 15 November 15, 2014.
Kumi Machida was born in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture in 1970 and graduated from Tama Art University in 1994, majoring in Japanese painting. Her first solo exhibition at the gallery was held in 2005. The following year, she participated in the exhibition “MOT Annual 2006 No Border” at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. Then, she was awarded “The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2007”, Hong Kong, and held solo exhibitions at Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover, Germany, and Takasaki Tower Museum of Art, Guma (both in 2008), and published a collection of her works from Seigensha Art Publishing, 2012), which has steadily earned her high praise both in Japan and abroad. Last year, Machida’s work was featured on the cover of Kaori Fujino’s “Tsume to me (Nails and Eyes),” which won the Akutagawa Prize, and this year she received the 24th Takashimaya Charitable Trust for Art and Cultural Prize, the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo collected her work.
Machida’s works are characterized by minimum ink lines clearly drawn on Japanese paper, bold margins, and minimal coloring with pigments and mineral pigments. In particular, the seemingly vigorous ink lines are made up of an accumulation of extremely thin and short lines drawn with a faceted brush, giving the work a supple and strong will. The shadows and contours drawn in light gradations bring depth to the painting and strengthen its appeal. The paintings suggest a universal and multifaceted range of sensations that we have all experienced before, such as conflicts of self-consciousness, social discomfort, and various emotions triggered by communication with others.
In this exhibition, Machida will exhibit more than a dozen of her new paintings, drawings, and prints, which show a new frontier of her art.
Please look forward to seeing Kumi Machida’s new works.