Nishimura Gallery 45th Anniversary New Works
Katsura FUNAKOSHI, Chieko OSHIE, Takanobu KOBAYASHI, Asae SOYA, Kumi MACHIDA and Atsuhiko MISAWA
25 June – 3 August 2019
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

樹の水の音 Sound of Tree Water
2019 painted camphor wood and marble 93 x 46.5 x 31 cm
西村画廊では、2019年6月25日(火)から8月3日(土)まで、開廊45周年を記念した新作グループ展“New Works”を開催します。
指田菜穂子は、連作「日本文学大全集」から、谷崎潤一郎の短編『小さな王国』を題材にした作品《日本文学大全集 大正七年の男 貝島》(2019)をはじめ、計4点の絵画を発表します。この連作は1901年から1925年を対象に、ある小説の登場人物を題名に用い、その小説が発表された「年」を主題とするもので、その年に生まれたあらゆるイメージを集め世相を表現することによって、書架に並んだ文学全集のように、集積された時間・時代を可視化する、という意図の下に制作されています。
曽谷朝絵は、昨年TOKASの助成によりバーゼルで滞在制作した、新しい連作《Chords》のドローイングを発表します。曽谷はこの作品について、「私のもつ「色が音を発する」という共感覚を視覚化している。個々の絵画は、時間に連れて移ろう光の投影や反射が描かれていると同時に『色の和音』を示すモジュールでもある。それらを様々な形で(例: 水平線のように横一列に、あるいは複数列に横に、あるいは縦に、等)楽譜のように組合わせて展示し、1つの曲を空間に立ち上げる。共感覚を通して人間の認識の仕組みを探っている」と述べています。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present the group exhibition “New Works” from Tuesday, June 25 to Saturday, August 3, commemorate the 45 year anniversary of its opening.
The exhibition will feature the latest works of 7 artists: Katsura FUNAKOSHI, Takanobu KOBAYASHI, Nahoko SASHIDA, Asae SOYA, Atsuhiko MISAWA, Chieko OSHIE and Kumi MACHIDA.
Katsura FUNAKOSHI will present the wooden sculpture “Sound of Tree Water” (2019). Its fresh eyes with delicate intelligent and blue body with clear depth are quite impressive. This work will be Funakoshi’s first clothing statue in 9 years, which is wearing a wet thin cloth.
Chieko OSHIE will present the painting “fallen flowers” (2017), which captures dynamism and fragileness of the life of flowers in a complex hue.
Takanobu KOBAYASHI will show the painting “Block” (2019). Building blocks in his painting keep impossible balance. It suggests the mystery that an unrealistic scene is formed with a everyday feeling of reality in the painting. This work is the latest one in the series of blocks Kobayashi has been working on for several years.
Nahoko SASHIDA will present a total of 4 paintings from Japanese Literature Series, including “Japanese Literature Series The Man Kaijima in 1909” (2019), a work based on Junichiro TANIZAKI’s short story ‘The Small Kingdom’. This series was produced with “the year” theme from 1901 to 1925 which the novel was published, and using characters from a novel as the title. It was made with intention of visualizing the accumulated time and period like a complete collection of literature on a bookshelf, by collecting all images born in that year and expressing the social conditions.
Asae SOYA will present the drawings for a new series of “Chords” which she produced in Basel last year with a TOKAS grant. Soya described the works as “It visualizes my synesthesia of ‘color emits sound’. Each picture is a module that represents ‘color chord’ as well as the projection and the reflection of light that changes with the passage of time. They are combined and exhibited in various forms (For example: form in a horizontal line, in several horizontal lines, or vertically) like a musical score, and one piece is set up in space. I’m searching for the mechanisms of human perception through synesthesia”.
Kumi MACHIDA will present an impressive painting of unrealistic colors and landscape with a ambiguous width like those in a dream, it will change greatly from the characteristic usual style by stripped-down sumi lines and minimal coloring.
Atsuhiko MISAWA will release the latest wooden sculpture of bullterrier, rabbit, rusty cat and so on from the “ANIMALS” series, which he has been working on for nearly 20 years. The “ANIMALS” are in the form of a symbolic abstraction of a concept of ‘animals’ that human have ― ‘bear’ for example, a mixture of real and imaginary bears ― so the “ANIMALS” have broad and complex appeal. We also introduce several paintings that are impressive with their free and unwavering strokes, backed by intuitive and precise composition.
It will be our pleasure to welcome you to the gallery

2019 oil on canvas 112.2 x 145.6 cm

Dog 2019-01
2019 camphor wood and oil 73 x 24.5 x 94.5 cm

日本文学大全集 大正七年の男 貝島 Japanese Literature Series: A Man in 1918, Kaijima
2019 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.3 x 32.6 cm
(谷崎潤一郎 小さな王国 1918)