The Yosemite Suite
1 October – 26 November 2016
日曜 月曜 休廊
Closed on Sundays and Mondays
This exhibition was originally scheduled to run until 12 November, but as noted above, the exhibition has been extended until 26 November.

2011 iPad drawing printed on four sheets of paper, mounted on four sheets of Dibond
Edition of 12, 197 x 177 cm over all
西村画廊では、2016年10月1日(土)から11月12日(土)まで、20世紀及および21世紀を代表するアーティスト、デイヴィッド・ホックニー(1937年、イギリス生まれ)のiPad drawingによる個展“The Yosemite Suite”を開催いたします。ホックニーの個展は、当画廊では14年振り26回目となります。
ホックニーは2010-2011年にヨセミテ国立公園(カリフォルニア)を訪れ、本シリーズ“The Yosemite Suite”を制作しました。iPadのタッチスクリーンをキャンバスに、アプリ“Brushes”を使用して描かれた、鮮やかな色彩の多層的な重なりから成るドローイングの数々は、雄大な山々に抱かれた清澄な自然の息づかい、深く豊かな森の密度、光の繊細な移ろい、観光客の雑踏など、作家が目の前にした美しい場面のきらめきを我々にありありと感じさせます。また、ブライダルベール滝、エル・キャピタン、ハーフ・ドームなど、同地の有名なスポットがホックニーの視点を通して描かれているのも見所の一つといえます。
“The Yosemite Suite”は、ホックニーにとってプリント作品における最新の仕事の一つで、2012年にロイヤル・アカデミー・オブ・アーツ(ロンドン)で開催された個展“A Bigger Picture”で初発表された後、これまで2014年のデ・ヤング美術館(サンフランシスコ)の個展“A Bigger Exhibition”などに出品されてきました。2016年11月から開催されるヴィクトリア国立美術館(メルボルン)の個展でも展示される予定です。なお、ホックニーは現在、ロイヤル・アカデミー・オブ・アーツで個展“82 Portraits and 1 Still-life”を開催中(-10月2日)で、東京でも10月1日-11月23日に町田市立国際版画美術館で版画約150点を集めた個展が開催予定です(その後、いわき市立美術館に巡回)。また、2017年2月にはホックニーの80歳を記念した大回顧展がテート・ブリテン(ロンドン)で開催されます。この展覧会は、その後ポンピドゥー・センター(パリ)、メトロポリタン美術館(ニューヨーク)に巡回予定です。
本展では、“The Yosemite Suite”のシリーズから、Dibond(アルミ複合板)にマウントされた4枚のシートから成る大作1点と、94 x 71㎝の1枚のシートに出力された作品24点、計25点のiPadドローイングを日本で初公開いたします。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “The Yosemite Suite”, an exhibition of iPad drawings by David Hockney (b. 1937, Bradford, England) who is one of the most recognized artists in 20th and 21th centuries. This is the 26th Hockney’s solo exhibition at our gallery after 14 years since the last time, and will be on view from 1 October to 12 November 2016.
During visits to Yosemite National Park, California in 2010 and 2011, Hockney made the series of iPad drawings titled “The Yosemite Suite” using the touchscreen as canvas with the “Brushes” app. The multi-layered colors and lines on the drawings convey us what the artist saw and felt in the beautiful scenery; the grand mountains embracing the nature, the density of deep and rich forests, the subtle changes of lights, the bustle of tourists and so on. Well-known spots like Bridalveil Fall, El Capitan and Half Dome in America’s most famous national park were also depicted through the artist’s eyes.
In the contemporary art world, Hockney is one of the most influential artists who have broken and updated the conception of art. Completely new styles of paintings were created by his superior descriptive power during his over 50 years career. He also created various works using new technologies by the way nobody imagined before. His series of multi-layered photographic collages came from his question why a sheet of photograph cannot be enough to be seen for a long time. In his color copy prints (Home Made Prints), he regards the copying machine as a camera that confined itself to flat surface and toners as a new kind of inks. FAX drawings were exhibited by those who received Hockney’s drawings by FAX from the artist, just on time when they received them. The photographs taken with 10 x 8 camera were printed by inkjet printer which can process enormous data. And, he draws with iPhone and iPad in recent years. These kinds of works had never existed in art history until he created. This exhibition will show that he creates innovative works spontaneously even
though he is 79 years old now.
“The Yosemite Suite” is the latest series of iPad drawings by Hockney. This was shown at his solo exhibition “A Bigger Picture” ( Royal Academy of Arts, London ) in 2012 for the first time. It is also exhibited at his solo exhibition “A Bigger Exhibition” ( de Young Museum, San Francisco ) in 2014 and so on by now, and it will be exhibited at his solo exhibition held at National Gallery of Victoria (Melbourne) from November 2016. Currently, his solo exhibition “82 Portraits and 1 Still-life” is held at Royal Academy of Arts until 2 October. In Tokyo, Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts will have his solo exhibition showing about 150 prints from 1 October to 23 November 2016 (traveling to Iwaki City Art Museum). In addition, his retrospective exhibition will be held at Tate Britain (London) from February 2017 celebrating his 80 years of age. This will travel to Centre Pompidou (Paris) and The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York).
This exhibition will show totally 25 iPad drawings from “The Yosemite Suite” for the first time in Japan; 24 are printed on single sheets of paper at 94 x 21 cm. Another is a large work printed on 4 sheets of paper and mounted on 4 sheets of Dibond.
Please look forward to the new developments of David Hockney. We are sincerely looking forward to your visit.

2010 iPad drawing printed on paper, Edition of 25, 94 x 71 cm

2010 iPad drawing printed on paper, Edition of 25, 94 x 71 cm

2010 iPad drawing printed on paper, Edition of 25, 94 x 71 cm
©David Hockney, Photo: Richard Schmidt, All Rights Reserved 禁無断複写転載