40 Years plus
Chieko OSHIE, Takanobu KOBAYASHI, Kahoko SASHIDA, Asae SOYA, Katsura FUNAKOSHI, Kumi MACHIDA and Atsuhiko MISAWA
8 May – 27 July 2015
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

夜の森の塔 A Tower in the Night Forest
2015 painted camphor wood and marble 109 x 48 x 30 cm
Photo: 今井智己 Tomoki IMAI
曽谷は、この5月に初の海外での個展を台北のAKI Galleryで開催します。本展では、2014年から1年間の文化庁新進芸術家支援制度で滞在したニューヨークで描きためた作品を数点発表します。
三沢は、昨年から今年にかけて高松市美術館、岩手県立美術館、周南市美術博物館(山口)で、現在は高梁市成羽美術館(岡山県)で個展を開催中です(-5月31日)。また、当画廊でも今年11月に約2年振りとなる個展を開催予定です。本展では、 初めて彫刻の題材に選んだカモノハシなど、4点のANIMALSを発表します。
Following last year’s “Nishimura Gallery 40th Anniversary Exhibition,” Nishimura Gallery will hold a group exhibition from 8 May 8 to 27 June 27, 2015, featuring the latest works by Chieko Oshie, Takanobu Kobayashi, Nahoko Sashida, Asae Soya, Katsura Funakoshi, Takanobu Kobayashi, Nahoko Sashida, Asae Soya, Kumi Machida, and Atsuhiko Misawa.
Oshie held her first solo exhibition at the gallery in about seven years this past February. This exhibition will feature paintings of daikon radish leaves harvested from her vegetable garden.
Last year, Kobayashi held a retrospective solo exhibition at the Yokosuka Museum of Art, featuring approximately 100 works from his early years to the latest, and a book of his works was published at the same time from Seigensha Art Publishing. In this exhibition, he will exhibit three narrative paintings that he has been working on in recent years.
Sashida is currently working on a series of paintings based on the theme of the twelve signs of “Earthly Branches” including the “Tiger” and “Dragon” paintings shown at the 2014 VOCA exhibition (The Ueno Royal Museum). This exhibition will feature paintings based on this year’s zodiac sign, “Sheep”.
Soya will hold her first solo exhibition abroad at AKI Gallery in Taipei this May. In this exhibition, Soya will show several paintings that she has created in New York, where she stayed under Japanese government overseas study program for artists for one year from 2014.
Funakoshi’s solo exhibition will begin in June this year at the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art and travel to the Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi, the Mie Prefectural Art Museum, and the Niigata City Art Museum. Next year, He will also have a solo exhibition at the Galerie Claude Berger in Paris. Next year, a solo exhibition of new works will be held at Galerie Claude Bernard in Paris, France. For this exhibition,Fuankoshi will present new sculptures and drawings.
Machida’s first solo exhibition in a year and a half was held at the gallery last October, and her new works show a new frontier. In this exhibition, Machida will present new paintings that have been long awaited since that solo show.
From last year to this year, Misawa has held solo exhibitions at Takamatsu Art Museum, Iwate Museum of Art, and Shunan City Museum of Art and history, Yamaguchi, and currently at Nariwa Museum, Okayama (-May 31). In this exhibition, he will present four sculptures of ANIMALS, including a platypus, which he chose for the first time as the subject of his sculpture.
Please look forward to the exhibition featuring the latest works by a splendid lineup of artists.

Block 2015
oil on canvas 53.4 x 45.5 cm

なのはな Nanohana
2015 oil pastel on canvas 80.3 x 100 cm

未 Sheep
2015 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.3 x 65.2 cm

2015 oil on cotton on panel 76.5 x 76.5 cm

牧草地 pastureland
2015 oil pastel, graphite crayon and ccolor pencil on Tosa paper 21.2 x 30 cm

Animal 2015-03
2015 camphor wood and oil 20.4 x 40.3 x 75.5 cm
Photo: 今井智己 Tomoki IMAI