Earthly Branches
19 July – 3 September 2016
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

2015 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.5 x 65 cm
西村画廊では、2016年7月19日(火)から9月3日(土)まで、 約5年振り2度目となる指田菜穂子の個展を開催いたします。
指田は1983年埼玉県に生まれ、 2006年に早稲田大学政治経済学部政治学科を卒業、 2009年に東京大学大学院総合文化研究科を修了しました。早稲田大学在学中から「GEISAI」等で作品発表を行い、2011年に当画廊での最初の個展を開催、その後2012年に第4回絹谷幸二賞奨励賞を受賞、2014年にはVOCA展に出品するなど、着実に活躍の場を広げてきました。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present Nahoko Sashida’s second solo exhibition in about 5 years, from 19 July to 3 September 3, 2016.
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1983, Sashida graduated from the Department of Political Science at Waseda University in 2006 and from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo in 2009. While a student at Waseda University, she exhibited her works in “GEISAI”, etc., and then she held her first solo exhibition at our gallery in 2011.
Based on the concept of “creating an encyclopedia with pictures,” Sashida fills her paintings with all kinds of events that can be associated with a certain word with her outstanding compositional skills, and creates a wide range of images that are latent and derivative of the word in vivid colors. The vast array of images on the screen ranges from the typical, which anyone can relate to, to the seemingly unconnected and difficult to understand. Sashida’s works, which are not a collection of simple information, but are painstakingly constructed with great insight and knowledge, are complex in a way that is not easy to follow and give the viewer a sense of a solid foundation with multiple layers of depth. They have a freshness that adds a new dimension to the history of painting and art.
In this solo exhibition, she will present 12 paintings on the theme of the Earthly Branches. From Year of the “Rat” to Year of the “Boar”, the detailed and witty images that cover the entire canvas radiate a unique brilliance. They reveal new aspects of the twelve signs of the Earthly Branches that we have never known before.
Please look forward to Nahoko Sashida’s long-awaited solo exhibition. We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you at the gallery.

2015 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.3 x 32.5 cm

2015 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.3 x 32.5 cm