

小林孝亘 Takanobu Kobayashi




"portrait-green shirt"
2006 100 x 85 cm oil on canvas


"portrait-checked shirt"
2006 100 x 85 cm oil on canvas



"portrait-resting head on arm(beige T-shirt)"
2006 162 x 162 cm oil on canvas



"portrait-opened one eye"
2006 145.5 x 162 cm oil on canvas



西村画廊では10月3日(火曜)より28日(土曜)まで、「小林孝亘 ものとこころ」を開催致します。

小林孝亘は1960年東京に生まれ、1986年に愛知県立芸術大学を卒業しました。自己を投影した潜水艦をモチーフに制作を続け、1995年に水戸芸術館で開催された「絵画考'95」で犬や公園の水飲み場を木漏れ日の中に描いた油彩画を発表し、注目を集めます。1996年にはVOCA展で奨励賞を受賞、当画廊での初個展もこの年に行いました。1999年以降は東京とタイを往き来しながら制作を続けています。2000年にタイでの日常生活から題材を見出して食器や車のテールランプなどを描いた作品を当画廊での個展「Drop of Heat」で発表し、独特の光の表現で高い評価を得ました。その後小林は、眠る人を描いた「Dream, dreaming us−私たちを夢見る夢」、「Small Death−小さな死」や日光浴をする人を描いた「Sunbather」など、人物を描いた作品で新たな展開を見せます。2004年に目黒区美術館で開催された個展「小林孝亘−終わらない夏」では、初期の潜水艦を描いたものと人物を描いた作品を中心に展示し、常に主題と真摯に向き合う小林の姿勢と一貫した深い精神性が伝わる展覧会となりました。現在は愛知県美術館で開催されている「愉しき家」展に出品するなど精力的に活動を続けており、今後の活躍が期待されている作家です。


Nishimura Gallery is pleased to announce our eighth solo exhibition by Takanobu Kobayashi from October 3 to 28, 2006.

Takanobu Kobayashi is one of the most expected Japanese painters internationally. He was born in Tokyo in 1960 and graduated from the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts in 1986. Afterwards he had painted himself as submarines. On the museum exhibition "Discover Paintings"(the Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, 1995), his paintings of dogs and water fountains in the sunshine were attracted the public eyes. He is awarded VOCA'96 Encouragement Prize and the first show at Nishimura Gallery was also held this year. Since 1999 Kobayashi has been living and working in Bangkok, Chiang Mai for one year, from 2005 to 2006 and Tokyo.

On his fourth solo exhibition "Drop of Heat" at Nishimura Gallery, 2000, the new works of dishes or table lights inspired by daily life in Bangkok were highly evaluated especially for the expression of mild light and shadow. Later, Kobayashi has painted new works of sleeping men entitled such as "Dream, dreaming of us", "Small death" and "Sunbather". These paintings and his early works of the submarines were shown on "The Endless Summer" at the Meguro Museum of Art, 2004, which conveyed his earnest attitude and consistently deep spirituality and was highly appraised.

We are showing the latest works by Takanobu Kobayashi, 12 paintings and 4 drawings. All works are painted of human faces on full screen. The works seem to be sending out the light from the inside. These mild light arouse the image of quiet time separated from the reality of life and totally impressive. The painted people are posing each in their free way, such as looking straight ahead, closing one eye or both. None of them insist their individuality, emotion and ego but only the universal sense of existence. Kobayashi says that he wants to express the essence of existence that is invisible but can be felt through visible domestic things such as human faces.


"portrait-resting cheeks in hands"
2006 162 x 130.5 cm oil on canvas


"portrait-beard face(blue T-shirt)"
2006 91 x 91 cm oil on canvas

−小林孝亘展 カタログ−

20ページ / カラー図版 12点
20 x 21 cm


定価 500円