




小 林 孝 亘
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About “Vessels”

 The first time I painted vessels was in 1996. It was the time when I started living in Bangkok, and my subject matter shifted from submarines to everyday objects that I saw in my daily life.

Since then, I have painted a variety of subjects, but while many subjects are painted for a certain period of time and then stopped, I continue to paint vessels and pillows to today.

 My paintings are not intended to depict the form or situation of what is depicted, although I think that anyone can easily recognize what is depicted in my paintings. I want to paint "something" that is invisible to the eye, triggered by something tangible and visible. It is not easy to put into words what "something" is, but I believe it is the fundamental human feeling of "I am certainly here now," and that feeling enriches the heart.

 I started painting of forests around 2000, which inspired me to move through deep forests. After painting people again around 2002, which I had stopped doing after graduating from college, I began to paint anything that I felt strongly stuck in my mind and could be painted. I thought that whatever I painted, I was painting in the same way toward "something" that I could not see, but when I exhibited my paintings of various subjects in the same space, I felt some discomfort. Are the forest paintings, which are trying to depict something like the signs one feels in a certain situation, and the paintings of vessels and pillows, which are simply depicting the subject matter, really the same thing? Do they really have to be the same? As various thoughts were going through my mind, I began to wonder if I should not examine them once again.

 As I emerged from the deep forest through the woods to a place where there were signs of people, the sky, which had been obscured by the leaves, opened wide and I eventually reached the ocean. After painting the ocean in 2020, I wondered if I would go into the ocean or rise into the sky, and I began to feel that I wanted to be in the deep forest again. Around the same time, there were several paintings of plates, bowls, and vases hanging on the wall of my studio, and as I gazed at them, I felt as if there were people in them. When I thought that people could be seen from the things and that they could be connected to existence, I wanted to hold an exhibition with only the paintings of vessels. And I thought I would paint pictures of the forest again.   
Takanobu Kobayashi
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