1982 mixed media 175 x 66 x 48 cm
Kienholz refers to Edward Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz. Since their marriage in 1973, Edward Kienholz has signed his work jointly, as they are the two creators of the work. The artist has created works that are obscene, yet convey a great poetic sense.
They are highly acclaimed for their symbolic use of human skeletons and limbs, animal bones and taxidermy, and works that highlight social disorder and decadence, and the issues of life and death. Their first solo exhibition in Japan was held at Nishimura Gallery in 1990.
1927 | エドワード・キーンホルツ、ワシントンのフェアフィールドに生まれる Edward: Born in Fairfield, Washington |
1943 | ナンシー・レディン・キーンホルツ、カリフォルニアのロサンゼルスに生まれる Nancy: Born in Los Angeles, California |
1953 | エドワード、ロサンゼルスに移住 Edward: Lives and works in Los Angeles |
1954 | エドワード、初めて木のレリーフ・ペインティングを制作 Edward: Makes wooden relief painting for the first time |
1956 | エドワード、Now Galleryを開廊 Edward: Opened the NOW Gallery |
1957 | エドワード、ウォルター・ホップスと共にFerus Galleryを開廊。その後、抽象絵画から社会批評的作風に移り、立体作品が中心となる Edward: Opened the Ferus Gallery with Walter Hopps. |
1961 | エドワード、初めての総合環境芸術「Roxy’s」完成 Edward: Completed his first large-scale installation, Roxy’s ニューヨーク近代美術館「The Art of Assemblage」展に参加 “The Art of Assemblage” The Museum of Modern Art |
1968 | ドクメンタに出品(’72) “Documenta Ⅴ” ’72 |
1973 | エドワード、西ベルリンのDAADから奨励金を受ける Edward: Receives a scholarship from DAAD, West Berlin |
1976 | エドワード、グッゲンハイムの奨励金を受ける Edward: Receives a Guggenheim Fellowship |
1977 | エドワードとナンシー、アイダホのホープにThe Faith and Charity in Hope Galleryを開廊 Edward and Nancy: Opened The Faith and Charity in Hope Gallery in Hope, Idaho |
1990 | 西村画廊で日本での初個展 First solo exhibition in Japan at Nshimura Gallery, Tokyo |