New Works
2 March – 10 April 2010
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

2009 By the water, deep in the forest” Painted camphor wood, marble and brass
Photo:WATANABE Ikuhiro

2010 No Hurried Pendulum painted camphor wood, marble and iron
西村画廊では2010年3月2日(火)から4月10日(土)まで、「舟越桂 新作展」を開催します。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “Katsura Funakoshi New Works”from March 2 to April 10, 2010.
Katsura Funakoshi, born in 1951, has developed international activity by the portraits of painted wood sculptures to show delicate feelings since 1980’s. Funakoshi was awarded the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Sience and Technology’s art Encouragement and also the Mainichi Art Award of 2008 by the achievement of the exhibition of “Summer Villa, Katsura Funakoshi” at Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Museum in 2008.
This exhibition shows 3 sculptures and 20 drawings. New work “By the water, deep in the Forest” is a female portraiture of intellectual and prudent expression. It has a head with like some burned dot and delicate face with bold color. We felt new kind of delicate and fresh breath on it.
On the other hand, new sculpture of a man who sits on sofa has sadness and bitterness expression that fascinates us.
This work becomes a sculpture with cloth after a long time.
Please expect for the latest works to show new development and big leap.
Funakoshi graduated Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1977. He has been exhibiting his works at Nishimura Gallery since 1985. Many exhibitions at domestic museums, oversea’s galleries and museums were held, and he joined international biennial exhibitions such as Venezia and Sao Paulo Biennale. A retrospective touring exhibitions were held from 2003 to 2004.
“Nobuyoshi Araki and Katsura Funakoshi -An Image of Love Supreme-” is now showing at Takahashi Collection Hibiya.
A selected group exhibition will be held at 21th Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa from April to August.
A solo exhibition will be held at Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto from December 2010 to February 2011.