Ordeal by Roses (1961, 62)
13 June – 8 July 2023
日曜 月曜 休廊
Closed on Sunday and Monday
協力: 細江英公写真芸術研究所

1961 gelatin silver print
©️Eikoh Hosoe
西村画廊では、2023 年6月13日(火)から7月8日(土)まで、細江英公の写真展 『薔薇刑より(1961, 62)』を開催いたします。
1933年山形県に生まれ東京で育った細江は、1954年に東京写真短期大学(現 東京工芸大学)を卒業後、1959 年に東松照明、奈良原一高、川田喜久治らと共に写真家によるセルフ・エージェンシー“VIVO” を結成、1960年に暗黒舞踏の創始者・土方巽らを被写体に人間の“生” と“性” を表現した『おとこと女』の個展(小西六フォトギャラリー)で日本写真批評家協会新人賞を、そして1963年には、このたび当画廊でオリジナル・プリントを展覧する三島由紀夫の『薔薇刑』の写真集(集英社)により日本写真批評家協会作家賞を受賞するなど、写真表現に新たな地平をもたらす存在として瞬く間に地歩を固めました。その後も、秋田や東京の各地で土方を撮影した『鎌鼬』(1969年、現代思潮社)をはじめ、写真史に重要な足跡を残す革新的な作品を多数発表し、また他方では東京工芸大学教授や清里フォトミュージアム初代館長を務めるなど後進の育成にも注力し、文字通り日本の写真界を牽引してきました。
『薔薇刑』は、当時28歳の才気あふれる新進写真家・細江英公が、不世出の文学者・三島由紀夫を被写体に迎え、“生” と“死” を主題に1961年秋から1962年春にかけて撮り下ろしたもので、これらの耽美的で前衛的な写真が、今日の三島由紀夫像に決定的な影響を与えていることは言を俟ちません。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “Ordeal by Roses (1961, 62),” an exhibition of photographs by Eikoh Hosoe from 13 June to 8 July 2023.
Born in Yamagata Prefecture in 1933 and raised in Tokyo, Hosoe graduated from the Tokyo College of Photography (now Tokyo Polytechnic University) in 1954, and formed own agency, VIVO, in 1959 with Shomei Tomatsu, Ikko Narahara, Kikuji Kawada, and others. In 1960, he won the Newcomer’s Award of the Photographic Society of Japan for his solo exhibition “Man and Woman” at Konishiroku Photo Gallery, which expressed human “life” and “sex” with Tatsumi Hijikata, the founder of the Butoh dance movement, as its subjects, in 1963, he received the Photographic Society of Japan Award for his photo book of Yukio Mishima “Ordeal by Roses” (Shueisha), original prints of which will be exhibited at our gallery this time, and has quickly established himself as a figure who brings new horizons to photographic expression. He has continued to produce many innovative works that have left an important mark on the history of photography, including “Kamaitachi” (1969, Gendai Shichosha), in which he photographed Hijikata in various locations in Akita and Tokyo, while at the same time focusing on training younger photographers as a professor at Tokyo Polytechnic University and the first director of the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts. He has literally led the Japanese photographic world.
The “Ordeal by Roses” was shoot from the fall of 1961 to the spring of 1962 by Eikoh Hosoe, a brilliant up-and-coming photographer who was 28 years old at the time, with Yukio Mishima, an unparalleled literary figure, as his subject and with the theme of “life” and “death.” It goes without saying that these aesthetic and avant-garde photographs had a decisive influence on today’s image of Yukio Mishima.
Daido Moriyama, who was still in his early twenties, participated as an assistant in the shoot, which took place at Mishima’s own residence and Hijikata’s studio, improvising with a mallet and rubber hose from Mishima’s residence as props, or preparing a fabric painting of the erased upper body of Venus in Giorgione’s “Sleeping Venus” and fusing it with Mishima’s body, Hosoe’s theatrical talent, which flexibly incorporates meticulous conception and on-the-spot contingency, was eloquently demonstrated, and also in the darkroom, he used high-contrast and photomontage techniques to combine multiple films. In this way, he maximized Mishima’s appeal as a model, with his radiant aura and unfathomable fictionality.
This exhibition will feature approximately 20 prints, including rare old prints from 1985 and more recent modern prints, from “Ordeal by Roses,” which still retains a glowing reputation in Japan and abroad 60 years after its release and is an unsurpassed shimmering icon that represents Mishima.
We hope you will enjoy “Ordeal by Roses”, a towering milestone in the history of photography, in which Yukio Mishima’s ambivalent and sensual fascination with the mixture of refined intellect and vulgarity is monumentally fixed by Eikoh Hosoe’s magical photography, which boldly moves between the amplitude of order and destruction. We are sincerely looking forward to your visit.

1962 gelatin silver print 27.9 x 35.6 cm
©️Eikoh Hosoe

1961 gelatin silver print
©️Eikoh Hosoe

1961 gelatin silver print 35.6 x 27.9 cm
©️Eikoh Hosoe

1961 gelatin silver print 27.9 x 35.6 cm
©️Eikoh Hosoe

1961 gelatin silver print 35.6 x 27.9 cm
©️Eikoh Hosoe