Stories from a Cold Country
14 December, 2010 – 5 February, 2011
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

2010 sumi(blue), sumi(brown), mineral pigments, and pencil on kumohada linen paper
100 x 80.3cm
町田久美の文化庁在外研修(デンマーク、2008-09)後初となる個展 “Stories from a Cold Country”を、2010年12月14日(火)より2011年2月5日(土)まで開催いたします。
1970年 群馬県高崎市生まれの町田久美は、1994年に多摩美術大学絵画科日本画専攻を卒業しました。その後はキューピー人形や福助、招き猫などのキッチュなモチーフを和紙に墨で描くという日本画の技法で制作をつづけました。2004年には「日本画二人展 中村ケンゴ・町田久美」で、西村画廊での最初の展覧会を開催。伝統的な「日本画」に使用される画材を用いながらも、従来の枠組みにとらわれず自由な表現を切り開く作家として注目を集めました。
今後も、「DOMANI・明日」(国立新美術館、2010年12月11日-2011年1月23日)や「BYE BYE KITTY!!! 日本現代美術の天国と地獄の間で」(Japan Society, New York, 2011年3月12日-6月13日)と発表がつづきます。なお、11月10日-12月25日の期間中には、新宿高島屋2階ペデストリアンデッキでのクリスマスイルミネーションとのコラボレーションとして、角田光代がクリスマスを題材に書き下ろした文章を元に町田が制作した作品が、2 x 3メートルのパネルに引き伸ばされ他9名の作家の作品と共に展示されます(原画展“ARTISTIC CHRISTMAS vol. IV”は12月15日-25日に新宿高島屋10階美術画廊にて開催)。また、来年春には青幻舎から初の作品集が刊行される予定です。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “Kumi Machida - Stories from a Cold Country” from December 14th to February 5th, 2011. This exhibition is her first solo exhibition after Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artists in Denmark.
MACHIDA Kumi was born in Gunma prefecture, 1970. She graduated from Tama University of Art in 1994, majoring in Japanese paintings. She has drawn Japanese kitsch motifs such as Kewpie, Fukusuke and beckoning cats(manekineko) in Sumi(black ink) on Washi(Japanese paper). In 2004, MACHIDA showed some paintings with NAKAMURA Kengo, in an exhibition of “Japanese Style Painting” at Nishimura Gallery.
Since she expressed freely in the field of traditional Japanese paintings, her works attracted many attentions.
The remarkable points of her works are the clear lines in Sumi on Kumohada papers and minimal coloring in mineral pigments.
At first sight, you may think they are thick lines drawn with vigor, but gradually you will recognise that they are thin lines drawn repeatedly to give strong impression. The motives painted in her paintings change from objects (for example, Japanese good luck charms) to universal and ambiguous things. As a result of this change, preciseness of the lines has improved more, and the originality of her way of expression has come to a new stage. In 2008, her solo exhibition was held at Kestnergesellshaft in Hannover and she participated in the group exhibition of “Garden of Painting” at The National Museum of Art, Osaka in 2010.
This time, she shows about ten new works including “Rocking Horse” (2010), “Calm” (2010) and “Early Winter” (2010).
The group exhibition “DOMANI : The Art of Tomorrow 2010” she participates is now holding at The National Art Center, Tokyo.
She will participate in group exhibition “BYE BYE KITTY!!! Between Heaven and Hell in Contemporary Art” at The Japan Society in New York from March 12th to June 13th this year.
In addition, her first book will be published by Seigensha this spring.

2010 sumi, mineral pigments, pigments, silver paint and metal leaf on kumohada linen paper
65.2 x 100cm

2010 sumi(blue), sumi(brown), mineral pigments, pigments and color pencil on kumohada linen paper
140 x 113cm

2010 sumi(blue), sumi(brown), mica and pigments on kumohada linen paper
16 x 23cm