Kae HIGUCHI Enshinryoku
3 – 28 February 2009
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

2009 tempera, oil on canvas 162 x 112cm
西村画廊では、2009年2月3日(火曜)より2月28日(土曜)まで「樋口佳絵 - エンシンリョク」を開催いたします。
樋口佳絵は、1975年仙台市に生まれ1997年に東北生活文化大学を卒業しました。卒業後、樋口はテンペラと油彩を用いた技法を独学で習得し、現在も仙台を中心に活動を続けています。2005年春に東北、北海道在住の作家を紹介するシリーズ企画展「N.E.Blood 21」(リアス・アーク美術館)で取り上げられ、同年西村画廊で開催した初個展「24℃」では、一見可愛らしく、それでいてどこか違和感を醸し出す邪気を秘めた作品が話題となり、全国的にも注目されることとなります。その後、2005年度宮城県芸術選奨を受賞、2006年1月には北海道立近代美術館の「A MUSE LAND 2006 スウィート・メモリーズ」に出品し、また2007年にはVOCA展(上野の森美術館、3月)に選出され大原美術館賞を受賞するなど、精力的に制作を続ける期待の若手作家です。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to announce the 3rd exhibition of the latest paintings by Kae Higuchi from February 3rd to 28th, 2009.Kae Higuchi was born in Sendai, Miyagi in 1975 and graduated from Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka College. In 2005, she was introduced in the “N.E.Blood 21” exhibition at the Rias Ark Museum of Art, Kesennuma, which was one of the series intent to focus on artists from the northern area of Japan. It was followed by the solo exhibition titled “24℃” being held at the Nishimura Gallery, which was very successful. In 2005, she was awarded the Young Artist Prize of Miyagi Prefecture. Early in 2006, her works are exhibited in “A MUSE LAND 2006 Sweet Memories” held by Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo. In 2007, Higuchi won the Ohara Museum of Art Prize in the Vision of Contemporary Art (VOCA) competition held at The Ueno Royal Museum. She is regarded as one of the most promising artists in Japan.
This Exhibition includes 13 new paintings applying mixture of oil and tempera. The one titled “Following Day” is expressing a feeling of “straggle to manage the happenings today in one’s mind and try to meet tomorrow” through the image of a girl standing in a bathroom. “Kanjo-sen(Feeelings)” shows a girl, standing, bunting-like flags are sticking out from her head, It is explained by the artist as an embodiment of tranquilized anger-like feeling. The one titled “Enshin-ryoku(By Centrifugal Force)” is a scene of a girl waving her soft braids. She looks about to move forward, or going outside. The stories in her works are likely to be half-told and stimulate imagination. The infants often appear look lovely on the hand but on the other hand they may look strongly distorted inside. The subjects this time are not only infants, but Higuchi is also focusing some new subjects such as old person or strawberry. Having almost no shading, the scenes seem like being filled with diffused light emphasized with milky white backgrounds, are smooth and comfortable, as well it holds psychological intensity that may evoke softly viewer’s distant and unsolved memories.

2008 tempera, oil on canvas 112 x 96.8cm

2009 tempera, oil, pencil on canvas 161.5 x 130.5cm