29 March – 28 May 2011
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

2010 oil on cotton on panel 180 x 180cm
西村画廊では、3月29日(火)より5月28日(土)まで、曽谷朝絵の約3年半ぶりの個展となる “Float”を開催いたします。
今後は、「アートフェア東京2011」(東京国際フォーラム、7月29日~31日)、「曽谷朝絵展(仮)」(おぶせミュージアム・中島千波館、7月30日~9月20日)、「ニューアート展 NEXT vol.1 Sparkling Days (仮)」(横浜市民ギャラリー、9月30日~10月19日)といった活動を控えています。
Nishimura gallery is pleased to present SOYA Asae’s solo exhibition “Float” from Tuesday March 29 to Saturday April 30, 2011.
SOYA Asae was born 1974 in Kanagawa prefecture, conferred a doctorate for painting major of Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music in 2006. As it is seen in the VOCA winning piece, bathtubs have been one of her major subject until now. Her first solo exhibition “Prism” was held at Nishimura gallery in 2007. Solo exhibition “Ringing” was held in the SHISEIDO GALLERY, Tokyo last year. This exhibition showed large installation that was constructed by colored cutting sheet.
Her solo exhibition will be held at The Obuse Museum・ The Nakajima Chinami Gallery in Nagano from July 30 to September 20 this year. She will participate in group exhibition “ART FAIR TOKYO 2011” at Tokyo International Forum from July 29 to 31 and “New Art Exhibition NEXT vol.1 Sparkling Days” at Yokohama Civic Art Gallery from September 30 to October 19 this year.
The remarkable points of her works are that the scene she saw through her sense of touch and smell is recreated. The space of light she draws with complex gradation of colors by layering thin paintings feel us “comfortable room” .
Her works remind us of comfort that everyone experience in daily life and blows new breath into our inert life.
This exhibition “Float” includes 11 oil paintings and 10 pastel drawings. We hope you to enjoy space of light and water she draws.
・個展「曽谷朝絵展」(仮) 7月30日-9月20日(おぶせミュージアム・中島千波館、長野)を開催。
“Asae SOYA” The Obuse Museum・The Nakajima Chinami Gallery, Nagano
・グループ展「ニューアート展 NEXT vol. 1 Sparkling Days」(仮) 9月30日-10日19日(横浜市民ギャラリー)に参加します。
“New Art Exhibition NEXT vol. 1 Sparkling Days” Yokohama Civic Art Gallery

2008 oil on cotton on panel 113 x 164cm

2011 oil on cotton on panel 80 x 220cm