Japanese Literature Series 1901-1925
1 March – 9 April 2022
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays
西村画廊では、2022年3月1日から4月9日まで、指田菜穂子の作品集「日本文学大全集 1901-1925」(解説: ロバート キャンベル/発行: アートダイバー)の刊行を記念して、同名の個展を開催いたします。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “Japanese Literature Series 1901-1925” an exhibition of Nahoko Sashida from Tuesday, 1st March to Saturday, 9th April 2022. The exhi-bition celebrates the publication of a new Sashida’s book with the same title as the exhibition (Commentary: Robert Campbell, Publisher: Art Diver).
Born in Saitama in 1983, Sashida graduated from the School of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University in 2006 and completed the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo in 2009. Sashida began exhibiting her works at GEISAI, etc. in her school days at Waseda University. She then had a solo exhibition at Nishimura Gallery in 2011, and subsequently won the 4th Koji Kinutani Encouragement Award in 2012 and the VOCA exhibition in 2014.
Based on the concept of “Making an encyclopedia with pictures”, Sashida has been placing various phenomena that can be associated with a certain word by her exceptional a-bility to compose, and depicts the wide range of images that the words can potentially have or derive from, in vivid colors. The vast amount of imagery on the screen, rangingfrom the typical which everyone can understand the connection, to the more esoteric which there seems to be no connection at all, offers the viewer the pleasure of unexpected discovery and intellectual exploration. Sashida’s works are painstakingly constructed with great insight and exposition; these are not a mishmash of simple information, but are built on a multilayered and solid foundation, and this unprecedented approach has a freshness that adds a new dimension to the history of painting.
The series of works to be presented here, “Japanese Literature Series”, covers the period from 1901 to 1925 including Soseki Natsume’s ‘And Then’, and is themed on the year in which the novels were published, using 25 characters from Japanese literature as the works’ titles. By collecting all the images that were born in the same year and expressing the social conditions of that time, Sashida intends to visualize the time and the era, like a collection of complete works of literature on a shelf.
Well-known histories, forgotten culture, and countless people who moved the world - in “Japanese Literature Serie”, all these phenomena are visualized in parallel in a single screen within the scope of ‘a novel’ and ‘a year’. In front of this series of works, our vague understanding of historical facts is given a strong outline; a bygone period, unfamiliar to us today, emerges as an image with a sense of reality. At the same time, by turning our attention to the light shining from the historical side back towards the literary side, with its light as a clue, we are able to perceive the historical background of the novel more palpable. The thoughtful flavor woven between the viewer, the literature, and the period generated by this back and forth, is an irresistible charm without deja vu.
This is Nahoko Sashida’s third solo exhibition in five years, since her exhibition “Twelve Zodiac Signs” in 2016.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition.

Japanese Literature Series: A Man in 1921, “The Son”
2019 acrylic gouache on canvas 80.3 x 65.2 cm
(内田百閒 件 1921)
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Youtube(Tokyo Art Beat)
- インタビュー「絵でつくる文学全集は、文学でも歴史でもないものを浮かび上がらせる」(アートダイバー)
- 書評(Tokyo Art Beat)
書評(週刊読書人 2022年4月8日)