7 November – 9 December 2023
日曜、月曜、祝日休廊 (ただし11月20日は開廊)
Closed on Sunday, Monday and National Holyday, without 20 November

2023 oil on canvas 45.5 x 37.8 cm

2023 oil on canvas 53 x 41 cm

2023 oil on canvas 22.3 x 27.5 cm
西村画廊では、2023年11月7日(火)から12月9日(土)まで、小林孝亘の新作17点による展覧会 『うつわたち ー Vessels』を開催いたします。
小林孝亘 「うつわたち、に寄せて」▶️
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “Vessels,” an exhibition of 17 new paintings by Takanobu KOBAYASHI from November 7 to December 9, 2023.
Born in Tokyo in 1960, Takanobu Kobayashi graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Aichi University of the Arts in 1986. He began to emerge in the mid-1990s and has participated in numerous exhibitions in Japan and abroad, including solo shows at the National Museum of Art, Osaka (2000), the Meguro Museum of Art (2004), and the Yokosuka Museum of Art (2014). Last year in 2022, he had a solo exhibition “Midday” at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art and also participated in the concurrent group exhibition “Sunset/Sunrise”, which was well received. We have been continuously presenting his exhibitions since 1996.
“All this time I have been painting figurative pictures with concrete objects as my subjects. I have painted a variety of things, but no matter what I paint, I am not trying to depict the thing depicted or the circumstances surrounding it, but rather I want to depict something invisible to the eye, triggered by the concrete form that can be seen. That ‘something’ may be the ‘existence’ of things being there.”
Takanobu Kobayashi
After graduating from university, Kobayashi went through the “Submarine” period, during which he painted for nearly nine years as a projection of himself avoiding contact with the outside world as a form of self-protection, and has since produced paintings with an emphasis on light, using universal, everyday objects such as vessels, pillows, and forests as his subject matter.
Kobayashi, who has always maintained a certain distance from current trends, has been groping steadily inside himself to find his own essential expression, and his works are characterized by symmetrical compositions, mainly viewed from the front, in which commonplace objects that we see in everyday life are depicted with careful, unobtrusive strokes. And while they are only simple paintings, they have a rare charm in that they bring to the surface the latent unusualness of familiar things, and in turn make the viewer aware of the wonder of their “existence”. In other words, for example, like his “Pillow” series, which depicts a pillow as a metaphor for the “life/death” of a person who repeatedly sleeps in order to live, the two sides of the same coin quietly coexist, and the mystery of “existence” in this world beautifully lurks.
This exhibition consists entirely of new paintings of “vessels,” Kobayashi’s signature subject matter, which he has painted repeatedly since 1996.
The vessels in Kobayashi’s paintings are simple and unadorned, with no traces of food, and seem to be commonplace, as if everyone has a concept of them in their mind. However, if you look carefully, you will find that what is depicted in the paintings is not a vessel but rather the strangeness of “being” and “not being,” that is, the fundamental thing of “existence.” The modest yet certain magnetism of the paintings draws the viewer in and does not let go.
Please look forward to Takanobu Kobayashi’s 17th solo exhibition at our gallery after an absence of one and a half years.
We are sincerely looking forward to your visit.
About “Vessels” Takanobu Kobayashi▶️

2023 oil on canvas 27.4 x 28 cm

2023 oil on canvas 24.7 x 33.6 cm

2023 oil on canvas 33.9 x 45.7 cm

2023 oil on canvas 32.2 x 41.2 cm