Drawing & Print Show 2009
Anthony GREEN, David HOCKNEY, Peter BLAKE, Richard HAMILTON,
Horst ANTES, Asae SOYA, Atsuhiko MISAWA, Chieko OSHIE, Kae HIGUCHI, Katsura FUNAKOSHI, Kumi MACHIDA, Tadanori YOKOO, Takanobu KOBAYASHI
1 September – 10 October 2009
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays

Self-portrait in a cracked mirror
1985 etching and aquatint ed.21/30 30×23cm
西村画廊では、9月1日(火)より10月10日(土)まで、国内外の作家によるドローイングと版画のコレクションを紹介する展覧会「Drawing & Print Show2009」を開催いたします。
この度の「Drawing & Print Show 2009」は、西村画廊が開廊当初から紹介、普及に力を注ぎ、継続的に作品発表を行ってきたトップクラスのイギリス現代作家、そして現在定期的に個展を開いている主要メンバーと、当画廊でのみ実現される豪華な顔ぶれで構成されています。絵画、ドローイング、版画、写真など多技にわたる分野で常に新たな可能性に挑み、それらを自らの表現方法として確立してきたデヴィッド・ホックニー、近年ではIllustratorという描画ファイルを用いてMacintosh上で画面を構築した版画を制作するなど、今もなお進化を続け、類まれな想像力によって生み出される知的な作品で人々を魅了してやまないリチャード・ハミルトンを筆頭に、ブリジット・ライリー、ピーター・ブレイクといった人気と実力を兼ね備えた作家たちの傑作が並びます。
そして、当画廊のレギュラー作家7名、昨年は大原美術館が実施する美術家滞在制作プログラム「アーティストインレジデンスARCO2008」に参加し、その作品が同美術館に所蔵されるなど確かな実力をもつ押江千衣子、2008年には毎日芸術賞や芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞を次々に受賞し海外でも高い評価を得る舟越桂、独特のモチーフを幾重にも重なる繊細な線で巧みに描き出す町田久美、写実という枠にとらわれず、作家の目を通したオリジナルな解釈による木彫の動物達で人気の三沢厚彦、そして「放課後のはらっぱ 櫃田伸也とその教え子たち」(2009年、愛知県美術館)、「『現代美術も楽勝よ。』展」(2009年、水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー)などの展覧会出品が続く小林孝亘、曽谷朝絵、樋口佳絵に加え、益々活動の幅を広げ、「未完の横尾忠則- 君のものは僕のもの、僕のものは僕のもの」(2009年、金沢21世紀美術館)が好評を博すなどその活躍が目覚しい横尾忠則らの見応えのある作品の数々がご覧頂けます。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present“Drawing & Print Show 2009” by Japanese and foreign artists from September 1st to October 10th.
This exhibition is composed by splendid British artists, that we have held a lot of exhibitions and introduced continuously from the foundation of the gallery, and of course our regular seven Japanese artists will also be at present. You will meet excellent works by David Hockney, Richard Hamilton, Bridged Liley, Peter Blake etc. David Hockney, is an artist who has challenged and established new field of expression as painting, drawing, print, photo etc. Richard Hamilton keeps fascinating many people with his intellectual works such as prints painted using Adobe Illustrator, a Mackintosh software.
More over, the popular and regular seven Japanese artists of our gallery will exhibit drawings, prints and carvings. Chieko Oshie who has real ability joined Artist in Residence 2008 carried out by Ohara Museum of Art and this museum possess one of her painting drawn during the stay. Katsura Funakoshi won the Mainichi art Award and The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Art Encouragement Prize this year. He also has high reputation around the world. Kumi Machida draws original motifs with delicate and piled lines. Atsuhiko Misawa is very popular for his wood carving animals. The animals Misawa creates are not realistic at all, since they are carved out according to his interpretation. In addition, Takanobu Kobayashi, Asaee Soya, Kae Higuchi, Tadanori Yokoo’s works are also exhibited. The exhibition Kobayashi joins such as“In the Little Playground-Hitsuda Nobuya and his surrounding students” (Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art in 2009) and “Contemporary art is just easy as pie”(Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery in 2009) are being held now. Yokoo is being very active even in recent years and his exhibition“Tadanori Yokoo Incomplete-What’s mine is mine.What’s yours is mine”(21st Century Museum of Contemporary art, Kanazawa in 2009) gain public favor.

2008 watercolor on paper and panel 180×72.2cm

1970 silkscreen on japanese paper 19.9×19.9cm A.P.

Gold Fish
1999 etching, 38×38cm ed.20

Madonna on Venice Beach II
1996 screenprint 39.3×39.5cm ed.96/100

Tisch mit 4 Federn fur Witherspoon
1976 lithograph 64×84cm ed.71/200