Octopus trap
2010 oil on canvas 50 × 40 cm
◇ 夏の月◇
4月にバンコクに行き、現地の古本屋で見つけた松尾芭蕉の本の中に、芭蕉が明石で詠んだといわれる「蛸壺や はかなき夢を 夏の月」という句がありました。
小 林 孝 亘
東京 2010年4月
小林孝亘・Takanobu Kobayashi official website
◇ Summer Moon ◇
One of my favorite foods is octopus. What I like most is half boiled and thinly sliced that I enjoy eating with squeezed lemon and salt. After well chewing, some sweet taste comes in that is beyond description.
In February of last year, I was teaching at a college in Kobe, I walked the surroundings of Akashi seaside to find the subject for the works in the daily life. I saw the dried octopus in the Uonotana Shopping Cent- er and ate Akashi-yaki of octopus for lunch. At the fishing port, I saw octopus ferry and old octopus trap. That was a fully octopus day indeed.
In April, I went back to Bangkok. At an old bookshop, I found a book on Matsuo Basho in which there was a Haiku he composed at Akashi that is “Tako tsubo ya / hakanaki yume o / natsu no tsuki” (The octo- pus’ fleeting dream / in the trap / the summer moon)
A trap under the sea, and an octopus in the trap. Does the dream mean a dream in sleeping or a dream as a hope by implication? In a summer night, octopus only yearn for the moon floating over the sea, from the bottom of the sea of dark and calm. The octopus in the trap transforms into Basho, and then into myself in due time.
Begin with octopus, dream and summer, the haiku composed from the words attracted my mind deeply and I feel the ephemeral and sorrowness of being existence. I don’t know it was by chance or necessity, I encountered the haiku after I saw the octopus, and I started painting of octopus trap.
This exhibition is composed from nine paintings, Octopus trap, Tent, Sleeping bag, Boat, Vineyard, Sitt- ing fire and Ventilated case etc.
Why I like octopus and why I chose the various motives in the paintings? I don’t know why, but I am be- ginning to understand little by little, with growing ages, that I don’t understand.
Kobayashi Takanobu
April 2010, Tokyo